Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ugh!! It has been on of those yes.Yes,one of those, I want to crawl under the covers days.Sometimes we know we should pray before stepping foot on the floor but we rush around and don't do it or we remind someone else to do it and don't do it ourselves.I told you to but I didn't.I blogged about it and lost track of time and ran into a stressful day.God woke me up and got me on the way but I did not remind him to keep Satan behind me and even though I had a bad day I was too sullen to ask Mother Mary to alleviate my stress..Lesson for me and a reminder for you to remember.Instead he went at me full force.I'm on the couch right now,tired as a dog and feeling like I want to come down.I have dealt with some not-so-nice people today and not everything went my way.I found this nice little link that I hope will help me to remember to bless and not curse.I hope this will hopefully help you as well.Goodnight folks and God Bless you...Zzzzz

Our Lady Of Mental Peace

We all have those days when we have things  weighing heavy on our mind.We can't think clearly.Our stomach is in knots and we are stressed beyond hope.Well,we do have hope.Our blessed mother is here for us.She is just a prayer away.Take a moment this morning just to say this prayer and to ask her for help.Here is to a stress free day!

O Lady of Mental Peace,
Mother of Tranquility
and Mother of Hope,
look upon me in this time
of my weakness and unrest.

Teach my searching heart
to know that God's Love
for me is unchanging and
unchangeable, and, that
true human love can only
begin and grow by touching
His Love.

Let your gentle Peace -
which this world cannot give
- be always with me.
And, help me to bring this
same Peace into the lives
of others.

Our Lady of Mental Peace,
- Pray for me!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I just love St. Michael.My children love him as well.I find peace in knowing God sends him to their side to guard them and keep them safe.Thank you St. Michael for your protection.
Head on over to to pray the St. Michael  the Archangel Novena for healing and protection.Hope the rest of your day goes well. :)

Hildegard von Bingen - Voice of the Living Light

Welcome to the Garden

This blog will be  about many things, God,the blessed Mother Mary, saints, angels, nature, gardening, prayers,and novenas.I may throw in a recipe or two.You never know.. ;) There is so much each day to be thankful for.I  just think more about the positive than the negatives in our life time.If  we did,we would live more happier joyful lives . The spring has almost arrived. You can look outside and see the beautiful daffodils in bloom with their bright yellow heads dancing in the wind, of course, i can't forget the tulips of so many shades of colors.The spring is one of my favorite seasons for hope and new beginnings.May God bless you today with much love and happiness.Until next time <3